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Einladung: After Work- Gespräch Belutschistan am 09.05.2023

wir laden Sie ein zu unserem nächsten (digitalen) After Work-Gespräch mit dem Thema:

Balochistan – a colonial conflict often overlooked
mit dem Referenten Abdullah Abbas
digital per Zoom am Dienstag, den 9. Mai 2023 ab 18 Uhr

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Since colonization, the historical region of Balochistan has been divided between Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan. Even though its population has resisted the occupation of their land for the last 75 years, the conflict is barely known. Reasons for this include that the Pakistani military prevents any access from the outside and brutally attacks activists in their homes. In addition to the violent oppression by the Pakistani regime, climate disasters further aggravate thealready precarious situation of the Baloch. With his lecture, Abdullah Abbas wants to draw attention to the situation in Balochistan and gives an overview of the colonial conflict that has intensified in the last 23 years.

Abdullah Abbas is the Information Secretary and Spokesperson for the Human Rights Council of Balochistan-HRCB, an organization which documents, reports and campaigns about human rights violations in Balochistan. He fled Balochistan in 2011 and has been living in exile since then. He also represents families of victims of enforced disappearance in the UN.

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